Accueil > Procédure vers ou depuis un pays extra-Schengen

Procédure vers ou depuis un pays extra-Schengen

Entry/exit procedure for residents outside the Schengen area

The present form is to be filled in by pleasure boating skippers directly coming from outside of the Schengen area or departing to a port outside Schengen area and who exeptionnally arrive directly on the French soil outside of an official border crossing point, irrespective of nationality.


The form shall be transmitted by the harbour master’s office :

1/ To enter the territory :

  • at the latest twenty-four hours before arriving in the port, coming from outside of the Schengen area ;
  • or at the latest at the time the ship leaves the previous port, outside of the Schengen area, if the voyage time is less than twenty-four hours

2/ To leave the territory :

  • when the ship leaves the port for a destination outside the Schengen area.

Download document : Marina Immigration notice for non-Schengen citizens


Procédure pour les plaisanciers français se rendant sur le territoire britannique

Procédure pour les plaisanciers français souhaitant escaler vers un pays extra-Schengen:

Enregistrement en ligne sur